3E Telecom was incorporated on 11th Sept 2009. There are two core unit of our company; distribution of products and engineering services. Our product include Fiber Optic Connectivity, DC Rectifier and Distribution unit, Wireless Infrastructure, Wall Mount ODF enclosure, Fiber Optic Connectors, Cable assemblies and accessories.
Our Vision
To be a Reliable and Reputable Company Honestly and Ethically.
Our Mission
Teamwork is our strength Integrity is our commitment.
In 3E Telecom, Safety is everyone concern. A Safe Working environment is also important to our business and employee. Thus we have also join bizSafe and completed bizSafe 4. Bizsafe is a programme that promotes workplace safety and health through the recognition of the organisation’s safety efforts. You can also access the Workplace Safety & Health Council’s website at www.wshc.sg for more information on bizSafe.